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Day Seminar: The human touch. Approaches to individuals in the first millennia


10:00-10:30 John Lawson, Angela Boyle and Orsolya Czere: Dark Goings on at Cramond 10:30-11:00 David Ingham: Roman crucifixion burial at Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire 11:00-11:30 Ian Armit, Madeleine Bleasdale, Claire-Elise Fischer and Lindsey Büster: Journey of a lifetime? An unusual ‘burial’ from Cliffs End Farm, Kent

—Comfort Break—

11:45-12:15 Mel Giles: Grave Goods and the Boundary Objects Project 12:15-12:45 Lindsey Büster: Touching Deposits in Iron Age Scotland: Problematic Stuff & Finding Meaning in the Mundane

— Lunch—

13:45-14:15 Vanessa Reid: Revealing the invisible floor: geoarchaeological approaches to everyday lives

14:15-14:45 Rachel Cartwright: Making the unfamiliar familiar in the Viking diaspora: Norwegian soapstone and schist in Iceland and northern Scotland 14:45-15:00 Sam Scott-Moncrieff: Individual depositions in Lowland brochs

—Tea Break—

15:30-15:45 Digital postcards/short presentations on the theme 15:45-16:15 Gemma Cruickshanks: Rhynie 16:15-17:00 Summing up and Discussion (discussant: Mel Giles)


To be followed by wine reception in the McMillan Room within the School.  Admission is free, but please send an email to to register, as places are limited.