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Conference - 'Care and Community in Late Antiquity, 300-800 CE'


Thursday 25 May; MST G.03 - Doorway 6

  • 1000-1030: Reception and coffee
  • 1030-1045: Welcome and opening remarks Session 1: Expert communities
  • 1045-1120: Networks of knowledge held by magical gem carvers Jordan Poole, University of Liverpool
  • 1120-1155: The medicus in the community in Augustine’s North Africa Murdo Homewood, University of Edinburgh
  • 1200-1310: Session 2: Creating communities
  • 1200-1235: Omnis vita naufragium est: Disaster and Community in the works of Salvian of Marseille - Joseph Dax, University of Edinburgh
  • 1235-1310: Who the hell is “you”: Identifying Communities in Commodian’s Instructiones - Helen Wyeth, University of St Andrews

1315-1415: Lunch

  • 1415-1525: Session 3: Communities and individuals [hybrid]
  • 1415-1450: sim promeritus Christi fore, dum sum Ausonii: Changing Notions of Friendship and Fatherhood in Early Christianity - Devin Lawson, Bryn Mawr College
  • 1450-1525: The ‘I’ in community: Gregory of Nazianzus and the fashioning of self in society Mathijs Clement, University of Cambridge
  • 1530-1640: Session 4: Religion in the community
  • 1530-1605: Categorizing the Christian Community of Lactantius’s Institutiones Divinae - Kent Peters, University of Edinburgh
  • 1605-1640: Chronic pain and religious therapies in the Miracles of Cosmas and Damian Elle Jones, University of Liverpool

Friday 26th May; MST Sydney Smith Lecture Room - Doorway 1

  • 1000-1015 - Welcomes
  • 1015-1125: Session 5: Infrastructure: Approaches to care
  • 1015-1050: Justinian and the Orphanages: between Welfare State and Kaiseridee Paolo Costa, Università di Genova
  • 1050-1125: Hospitals, sieges and cannibalism Carlo Emilio Biuzzi
  • 1125-1145: Coffee Break
  • 1145-1255 : Session 6: Rhetorical approaches to care and community 1145 - 1220: An innovative idea of “care”: the role of rhetoric - Antonio Avilio
  • 1220-1255: Rhetorical strategies in Late Antique encomia on Papyrus Antonella Carbone, University of Liverpool
  • 1300-1330: Closing remarks

Please register for the conference, whether in-person or online, using the following link (Google link)

Register here


MS Teams links for online participants will be circulated the week of the conference Any queries can be directed to