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Slavery, gender, capitalism in the early modern world: A workshop with Jennifer Morgan

This workshop on the intertwined themes of slavery, gender and capitalism in the early modern world will provide a supportive space for PhD students, and those who have recently submitted their PhDs, to present and receive feedback on chapters relating to themes connected with Professor Morgan’s work. The programme is now available below. Each presenter will share a chapter-length piece of writing for intensive discussion and feedback from Professor Morgan and other workshop participants. Papers will be pre-circulated in early April; authors will introduce them briefly on the day. All participants, whether or not they are presenting their work, will be expected to read and participate in discussion of the presenters’ work.


If you would like to attend please email, mentioning any dietary requirements. Thanks to support from the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities and the Edinburgh Centre for Global History, we are able to cover participants’ travel costs on a first-come, first-served basis. If you would like your travel accommodation costs to be covered, please let us know when registering, including an estimate of costs.


Spaces at the workshop are limited. Please register as early as possible, and by 15 April at the latest, to allow time for us to share the papers and for you to read them.



  • Mary Cornelius (Glasgow), ‘Popular Fury': Fédon's revolution and the uneasy world of Grenada's Free People of Colour'
  • Alison Clark (Edinburgh), 'Sandbach, Tinne & Co.: The infancy of a multi‐national company'

11.15‐11.45 Tea and coffee break


  • Bethan Fisk (Leeds), 'Sex, race, and the Atlantic enlightenment in New Granada'
  • Harry Brennan (Edinburgh), 'Daniel 'Great' Campbell and mercantile masculinity in the Scottish Atlantic'   

1.00‐2.00 Lunch

Professor Morgan

Professor Jennifer L. Morgan is Professor of History in the department of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University where she also serves as Chair.  She is the author of 'Laboring women: Gender and reproduction in the making of new world slavery' (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004) and the co-editor of 'Connexions: Histories of race and sex in America' (University of Illinois Press, 2016).  Her research examines the intersections of gender and race in in the Black Atlantic world.

Her most recent journal articles include “Partus sequitur ventrem: Law, race, and reproduction in colonial slavery,” in 'Small Axe'; “Accounting for ‘The most excruciating torment’: Trans-Atlantic passages” in 'History of the Present' and “Archives and Histories of Racial Capitalism” in 'Social Text'.  In addition to her archival work as an historian, Morgan has published a range of essays on race, gender, and the process of 'doing history',  most notably “Experiencing Black Feminism” in Deborah Gray White’s edited volume "Telling histories: Black women historians in the ivory tower" (2007).

She is currently at work on a project that considers colonial numeracy, racism and the rise of the trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in the 17th-century English Atlantic world tentatively entitled 'Reckoning with slavery: Gender, kinship and Capitalism in the early modern Black Atlantic'.