An afternoon with Lodge, Calder and Childe

27 April 2012; Meadows Lecture Theatre (William Robertson Wing, The Old Medical School).

Join us for an afternoon with three leading Edinburgh lights in the early to mid 20th century: Richard Lodge, Professor of History, 1899 to 1925; William Moir Calder, Professor of Greek, 1930 to 1951; and Vere Gordon Childe, Abercromby Professor of Archaeology, 1927 to 1946.

The afternoon will be structured around three papers, with discussion following each (and the chance to nip in and out of the Meadows Lecture Theatre), and a reception to pursue issues in depth in the McMillan Room afterwards.

Speaker Paper Time
Prof. Robert Anderson (Edinburgh) ‘Teaching not research’: Richard Lodge and Edinburgh History 3pm
  From Edinkillie to Afyon to Edinburgh: tracing William Calder 4pm
Prof. Ian Ralston (Edinburgh) Gordon Childe at Edinburgh, 1927-1946: from the field in Scotland to international synthesis 5pm


HCA before HCA Event poster (260.05 KB / PDF)

All staff (academic and other), honorary fellows and PhD students are warmly invited. No need to book! Hope to see you there!

Ewen Cameron, Ian Ralston, Ulrike Roth