What our students think

We interviewed a recent student, Victoria about the programme and her time with us.


Why did you choose the University of Edinburgh?

Victoria Blusiewicz

I chose the University of Edinburgh for various reasons. I knew that I wanted to pursue an MSc in Scottish History and in researching the universities in Scotland, I felt that the Scottish History program at the University of Edinburgh would be the best fit for me. Not only that, but Edinburgh the city was a major draw. I had been to visit a few years before and absolutely fell in love with the city, the atmosphere, and the people. There are so many areas of Scottish history and culture that I love and the University of Edinburgh and the city of Edinburgh bring the best of it all together! And quite frankly, I just really wanted to come and live in Scotland!

What attracted you to this programme in particular?

The reputation and tradition of the Scottish History programme at the University of Edinburgh was one aspect in particular that attracted me to the programme. The professors and the quality they bring to their fields was also an attractive aspect of the programme.

What did you enjoy most about your time here?

I came to Edinburgh not knowing anyone but open to the possibilities of being in a new city surrounded by new people. Early on I found that both the university and the students have been accepting and accommodating. I now have a close group of friends that I am able to lean on for support not only in my studies, but in my personal life as well. Some of my favourite experiences are being able to explore Scotland and its rich culture and landscapes. I love exploring not only Edinburgh but the surrounding areas as well. One of my favourite experiences was traveling to Inverness and to Culloden in October!

If you could offer any advice to new or current students what would it be?

Try and enjoy Edinburgh and Scotland as much as you can! Work hard, play hard, and take advantage of the many opportunities and resources that the University of Edinburgh has to offer!


I knew that I wanted to pursue an MSc in Scottish History and in researching the universities in Scotland, I felt that the Scottish History program at the University of Edinburgh would be the best fit for me. Not only that, but Edinburgh the city was a major draw.

Graduated Winter 2016