Programme description

The taught MSc in History offers you the opportunity to study history at an advanced level through taught courses and independent research.



You will advance your knowledge and understanding of selected topics in history, as well as enhance your skills in independent research, critical analysis, and both oral and written presentations. You’ll have a range of courses to choose from, enabling you to tailor your degree to your interests and ambitions.

Breadth of expertise

The University of Edinburgh is home to one of the largest groups of historians in the United Kingdom. Our research interests and the courses we offer, cover just about every major area of historical inquiry.

As a student on the taught MSc in History you can take full advantage of this breadth, studying medieval Scotland, revolutionary America, modern India, and much else besides.

International reputation

Studying in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology you will benefit from small-group seminars and individual supervision from nationally - and internationally - renowned historians.