Flexible study hours

How much time do you need to commit to your studies?


We expect that full-time students will study for approximately 35 hours a week and part-time students for 12-15 hours a week on each option or core course. This time will be spent reading, writing and attending seminars. This may vary week by week depending on the assessment.

Writing the final course essays is a big part of your studies and you are likely to spend more time working on this task towards the end of each course.

You can be very flexible as to when and where you study. All core resources are available online and all you need to study is a computer with an internet connection. Many of our students work full-time and fit the study hours around their working patterns.

Due to the University's Attendance and Engagement regulations students are required to engage with any course they are registered on at least once in any week during semester time. This may take the form of posting on the discussion forum, taking part in the live seminar or emailing the course author.