Postgraduate community

Our postgraduate community is international, making the School the ideal environment for you to share ideas, collaborate on research, gain new perspectives and meet like-minded individuals.


Our department is a very interdisciplinary community that engages across History and Archaeology. This provides a stimulating environment and exchange of ideas. Our community is both diverse and close-knit – you’ll always find someone to talk to about the topic you’re interested in and be supported to conduct your own conferences.

In addition to the regular seminars Edinburgh hosts many relevant conferences and workshops and visits from internationally renowned scholars such as Meg Alexiou in 2013. Classics staff also regularly organise field trips. In the past these have been to Hadrian’s Wall, the Bay of Naples, Athens, Tunisia, and other locations. You are encouraged to participate in fieldwork, including on excavations run by current members of staff.


We offer a range of seminar series through which you can further your interests.

  • Classics research seminars: a forum for the exchange of ideas and the promotion of new research and debate among the research community, both within and outside the University. 
  • Classics Postgraduate Seminar Series: a weekly seminar series featuring postgraduate students from Edinburgh and further afield delivering 40 minute research papers, followed by a Q&A.
  • Byzantine Studies seminars: held throughout the year, this series hosts a range of speakers discussing their latest research.

In addition, the School offers a diverse range of regular seminar series and many standalone events.


The Classics department is very active. We welcome many visiting scholars to further enhance your opportunities to learn, and you’ll be able to make connections beyond the University through our visiting researchers.

  • Classics Society on Facebook: a popular student-run Society which organise regular daytrips, seminars and social events.
  • LAMPS: the Late Antique and Medieval Postgraduate Society host regular activities such as the famous ‘Late Antique Lunch’, informal reading groups and even trips abroad.

Our staff are actively involved in a number of classical societies based in Scotland.