Ancients & Moderns in Scottish Enlightenment

A project about the achievements of Scottish Enlightenment, funded by a Research Workshop Grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Scotland's renown in the wider academic world rests in good part on the achievements of the Scottish Enlightenment.

Whether in philosophy or in economics, whether in the social or the natural sciences, eighteenth-century Scotland is recognized as having played a vital role in the making of modernity. Yet the Scottish Enlightenment was also immersed in the values of the classics. The purpose of this project is to recover some key eighteenth-century ideas and assumptions that are essential to explaining the particular, critical response of Scottish Enlightenment thinkers to the intellectual and cultural heritage of classical antiquity.

This project is funded by a Research Workshop Grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The critical engagement of Scottish Enlightenment thinkers with the philosophy and culture of classical antiquity has been the subject of a series of meetings funded by a Research Workshop Grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Scotland’s renown in the wider academic world rests in good part on the achievements of the Scottish Enlightenment.

A list of abstracts of papers presented at the meetings so far.

The workshops have been organized and run by Prof. Colin Kidd and Dr Thomas Ahnert. For contact details, please see below.