New publication from Dr Linda Fibiger

The School was delighted to hear about an important new publication co-edited by Dr Linda Fibiger, Senior Lecturer in Human Osteoarchaeology.

HCA Cambridge World History of Violence Perimortem blunt force injuries on skulls from the Late Jomon site of Sakaeiso
Perimortem blunt force injuries on skulls from the Late Jomon site of Sakaeiso, Hokkaido (top) and Minami Usu 6, also Hokkaido, Japan. Many archaeologists have proposed that Neolithic Japan was unusually peaceful, but findings presented in Volume I show this idea needs re-evaluation.\nPhoto: Rick Schulting

The first in a four-volume set, 'The Cambridge World History of Violence, Volume I' was published in the UK on 26 March. The set is co-edited by SHCA's Dr Linda Fibiger and Dr Mark Hudson, with the late  Dr Garrett Fagan and Professor Matthew Trundle.

The collection is the first of its kind to provide a comprehensive examination of violence from prehistory to the present and is at the cutting edge of the history of violence, taking into account the latest scholarship. Unlike many previous works, this book does not focus only on warfare but examines violence as a broader phenomenon. New archaeological analyses of skeletal trauma pioneered by Dr Fibiger are transforming the understanding of prehistoric violence and this volume provides a detailed update of that exciting work.

The School sends its warmest congratulations to Linda and Mark on publication.


Dr Linda Fibiger speaks on 'A (pre-) Histoy of Violence' as part of the School's Festival lecture series:



Dr Linda Fibiger's staff profile

The Cambridge World History of Violence at Cambridge University Press