New Directors for Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History

The Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History announces its new Director and Deputy Director.

HCa New Directors of Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History
Dr Julie Gibbings and Dr Jeremy Dell.

Dr Emile Chabal’s and Dr Stephan Malinowski’s tenure as Director and Deputy Director, respectively, of the Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History ends on 1 August. The Centre, and School, is delighted to welcome Dr Julie Gibbings as the new Director and Dr Jeremy Dell as Deputy Director.

Dr Chabal said, “It's been an honour to watch this research community grow - both in person and online - and I am looking forward to seeing how it develops in future.”

Dr Gibbings said, "I am excited to be taking over such a vibrant research Centre, and I am busy planning a stellar line-up of events for the upcoming academic year under the theme of Crisis. "


Dr Julie Gibbings’s staff profile

Dr Jeremy Dell’s staff profile

Listen to interviews with both Dr Gibbings and Dr Dell on the ‘CSMCH Showcase’ podcast