Spotlight on two recent online MSc in History graduates

From article publication to beginning a PhD, just two achievements from our online MSc in History graduates

The online MSc in History has been running in the School since 2013. Students from around the world have been able to manage graduate study around their already busy lives. Two recent graduates have been in touch to let us know what they have gone on to after their graduation.

John Bies picture
John Bies

John Bies, who studied from his home in the United States and graduated in 2017, has recently had an article published in the peer-reviewed journal Critique. The article, “A Transnational Perspective of the Evolution of Rosa Luxemburg’s Theory of The Mass Strike”,  was based largely on the work John carried out as part of his dissertation and centred on the nineteenth century political theorist Rosa Luxemburg. John credited part of his achievement to the skills he learned during his time on the online MSc in History programme saying “One of the major reasons for my publication success was due to the fact that the MSc online History Programme challenged me to develop the competence to develop, organise, and rationalise a research argument within the context of the discipline.  This was based upon the numerous essays that I was required to write for the postgraduate degree modules.” That the dissertation has led to a published piece shows the value of the Programme, and the relationship between graduate level work, and professional academia.


Another recent graduate from the Programme, Tom Brautigam, who combined his studies at Edinburgh with a full-time job as a teacher graduated in November 2017 and made the big decision to put his teaching career on hold and continue his studies beyond his Masters, starting his PhD, here at the University of Edinburgh. Similar to John, Tom had praise for the online MSc in History saying that “The format of the course means you focus on developing your analytical writing skills each week, but through concentrated and manageable tasks. My Online MSc experience allowed me to develop my historical toolkit as well as ideas with the excellent support of the academic staff, while also being able to explore the independence necessary for PhD research. The way the course is run really does prepare you, in some ways more than campus based programmes, for a research degree.” Students enter the online MSc in History for many reasons such as advancing their historical knowledge and skills and for personal and career development.

Dr David Kaufman, co-Programme Director for the online MSc in History said “One of the key aims of the Programme is to train future Historians, and it is great to see empirical evidence of just that with Tom and John.” The School wishes John and Tom congratulations on their achievements.