New EUSA Undergraduate School Representative

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is delighted to welcome its EUSA Undergraduate School Representative for 2018-2019. (Published 18 June, 2018)


The EUSA Undergraduate Representative for 2018-2019 will be Lauren Porter, currently, a third-year MA (Hons) Ancient History student.

Lauren said, ‘It has been an honour to be elected your new rep for this upcoming year. I am looking forward to continuing the work that Tom has started in creating a community within the School. Alongside this I want to strive for more awareness and support for those with mental health issues and to create more diverse events that allow for a range of issues and topics to be discussed. Lastly, I am looking forward to bringing the voice of the students to the School Council meetings and, hopefully, inspiring positive change within the university.’

Outgoing Undergraduate Representative Thomas Wrench said, ‘It has been a privilege to serve as the HCA School's Undergraduate Representative for the past year. I've particularly enjoyed working alongside staff and students to make improvements to the delivery of courses and facilitating the creation of a supportive and positive School community. It was also great to be involved in the establishment of an annual School Staff-Student Cup and to strengthen student voice through more frequent School Council meetings and weekly drop-in sessions. I would like to thank Dr Esther Mijers, Dr Guillaume Robin, Anne Brockington and the HCA societies' committees and office bearers for their continuous support, guidance and enthusiasm throughout the year. I wish Lauren Porter the very best for her term of office.’

Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr Esther Mijers, added, 'Everyone in HCA is looking forward to working with Lauren and to continue the excellent work undertaken by Tom and others before him. We are very keen to work closely with all our students and especially the EUSA rep. Lauren’s ideas are exciting and will do much to improve the life in the School even further.’

The School sends its heartfelt thanks to Thomas for all his work, and welcomes Lauren.