Leverhulme successes for staff

Two members of staff and a recent PhD graduate of the School have been awarded Grants and a Fellowship by the Leverhulme Trust. (Published 9 July, 2018)

HCA Leverhulme Emma Hunter Ben Russell Matteo Barbato
Clockwise from top: Dr Emma Hunter, Dr Ben Russell, Dr Matteo Barbato

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is delighted to announce three successes funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

Dr Emma Hunter, Senior Lecturer in African History and Postgraduate Director, has been awarded a Leverhulme Research Project Grant with partners at the Universities of York and Warwick. Beginning in September 2018 ‘Another World? East Africa and the Global 1960s’ aims to understand and explain how East Africa’s global connections systematically broke down after independence, opening up a set of new and unpredictable paths forward.

Dr Ben Russell, Senior Lecturer in Classical Archaeology and Classics Graduate Officer, has been awarded a Leverhulme Research Project Grant with colleagues in the University of Edinburgh School of Engineering. The project, ‘Earthen Empire: Earth and Turf Building in the Roman North-West’ examines the role of earthen architecture (mud brick, rammed earth and turf) in Roman provincial architecture, in civilian and military contexts.

Dr Matteo Barbato, Teaching Fellow in Greek and a 2017 PhD graduate of the School, has been awarded a three-year Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship at the University of Birmingham, beginning in September, for a project on 'Anti-political-establishment ideology in Athenian Democracy'.

The School send warmest congratulations on these successes.


Dr Emma Hunter’s staff profile

Dr Ben Russell’s staff profile