HCA Awards Success

Its awards time of the year once more, and the School of History, Classics and Archaeology has some celebrating to do. (Published 9 April, 2018)


EUSA Activities Awards

HCA History Society 2018

In a glamorous ceremony held at the Assembly Rooms on 26 March, the EUSA Activities Awards winners - celebrating the achievements of Societies and student groups over the last year - were announced.

The School was delighted to see Edinburgh Archaeology Outreach Project named runner-up in the ‘Volunteering Project’ category that recognises a well-run project that brings something excellent to the community, making a real, measurable difference.

The History Society was named both ‘Academic Society of the Year’ AND ‘Star Society of the Year’, confirming its reputation as one of the biggest and most vibrant of societies at University of Edinburgh.

EUSA Impact Awards

Tom Wrench EUSA Impact Award

On 5 April, at a ceremony in Teviot Row House, the EUSA Impact Award winners were announced. The Impact Awards celebrate inspiring work at the University of Edinburgh in Student Representation, Global experiences, and Peer Learning and Support.

We were delighted to see Tom Wrench, Undergraduate Representative to the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, named runner-up in the 'Achieving Significant Change on Campus' category. The award recognises a student representative who has achieved positive change for students at the University of Edinburgh through a short- or long-term project, a one-off event or series of events or through a campaign. 

EUSA Teaching Awards

And looking forward to the EUSA Teaching Award, announced on 26 April, the School was very excited to see Professor Robert Mason nominated for the Best Supervisor Award, and Dr Zubin Mistry in the Best Course Award.

Congratulations to all the winners and runners-up, and good luck to Robert and Zubin!


Edinburgh Archaeology Outreach Project

Edinburgh University History Society

EUSA Teaching Awards Shortlists