Double award success for Irish History PhD graduate

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology was delighted to learn that Andrew Phemister, who graduated History PhD in 2017, has recently won two major prestigious awards. (Published 3 September, 2018)

History Classics Archaeology Andrew Phemister Irish History
Dr Andrew Phemister

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology was delighted to learn that Andrew Phemister (History PhD, 2017), has recently won two major prestigious awards.

In a very competitive process, he has been selected as the 2018-2019 Roy Foster Irish Government Senior Scholar based at Hertford College, Oxford, working with Professor Ian McBride. Then in August 2019 Dr Phemister will take up a two-year Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Moore Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, during which he will develop a major project on the intellectual history of boycotting in the nineteenth century. These awards are made by the Irish Research Council to early career scholars of the highest promise from across the world to develop cutting-edge research projects at Irish universities.

Both awards are recognition of Andrew’s pioneering and highly original research on the history of Ireland and the Irish diaspora. His PhD research on the Irish Land War in a transatlantic context, which he is currently preparing for publication as a book, was supervised by Professors Enda Delaney and Ewen Cameron.

The School send its warmest congratulates to Andrew on this double award success.

Dr Andrew Phemister's PhD Thesis, 'Our American Aristotle' Henry George and the Republican tradition during the Transatlantic Irish Land War, 1877-1887