BAIS award for PhD student

The School is delighted to announce that Bobbie Nolan, a third year History PhD student from the Irish History Group, has been awarded a British Association for Irish Studies bursary. (Published 30 April, 2018)

HCA Bobbie Nolan

Each year the British Association for Irish Studies awards postgraduate bursaries to students studying Irish-related topics in British universities. The scheme has supported a wide range of researchers working on new and neglected areas in the field.

This year the School is delighted to announce that one of the awards went to Bobbie Nolan, a third year History PhD student from the Irish History Group, who researches Irish language usage amongst migrants in San Francisco, Philadelphia and London between 1850 and 1920: investigating perceptions of the language, its role in shaping identity, and how different environments affected its decline or transmission.

Bobbie will use the fund to undertake a research trip to San Francisco in June 2018 where she will consult archival material in the University of San Francisco, the California Historical Society and the San Francisco Public Library.

Bobbie said, ‘I am delighted to be one of this year’s recipients of this bursary and am most grateful for the support and encouragement from the BAIS. This generous award will allow me to carry out essential overseas fieldwork and help me develop my PhD research and academic career.'

BAIS commented: 'The judges were very impressed by the ambitious chronological and geographical scope of Bobbie's project and the sophisticated approach that she has taken to the question of Irish language use amongst the diaspora.'

The School sends warmest congratulations to Bobbie.