PhD students feel the Burn

Recently, a group of PhD students went on academic retreat to the Burn in Angus to explore practical solutions to the challenges of PhD study. (Published 23 March, 2017)  

PhD and staff at the Burn March 2017
Phd students and staff at the Burn

Staff and PhD students from the School went on academic retreat to the Burn, a magnificent late 18th century country house situated on the Angus Aberdeenshire border just outside Edzell. The three days provided an opportunity to discuss the practical challenges faced by PhD students, relax in a completely new environment and feel a real sense of collegiality. Highlights included early morning walks, hard fought historical quizzes and even an unexpected opportunity to dress up as a Tironensian monk (!). 

‘All of us who went benefitted tremendously,’ said Alastair Learmont, PhD candidate. ‘The sheer beauty of the surroundings, the ethos of the Burn and the energy and enthusiasm of Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz and Dr Tom Brown made for an excellent “PhD Experience”. Future trips to the Burn are highly recommended.’

As part of the School of History, Classics and Archaeology's ongoing commitment to the development of its postgraduate community, the School subsidised this visit to the Burn.

You can find out more about what happens, and the benefits, of the retreat in Sarah Cassidy's blog at Pubs & Publications.


Dr Manuel Fernández-Götz's staff profile

Dr Tom Brown's staff profile

Website of The Burn