History PhD student wins Truckell Prize

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology is delighted to congratulate Gary Hutchison on winning the 2016 Truckell Prize. (Published 18 Jan, 2017)

Gary Hutchison Truckell Prize
Gary receives his award from Dr Jeremy Brock

Awarded annually by the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, the Truckell Prize is for the leading original research paper submitted to the Society on a human or natural history topic relating to the geographical area of Dumfries and Galloway. Gary Hutchison has won the 2016 award with a research paper entitled 'Wigtown Burghs, 1832–1868: A Rotten Burgh District?' 

The Wigtown Burghs parliamentary constituency, comprised the burghs of Wigtown, Stranraer, Whithorn, and New Galloway from 1707 to 1885.  Before 1832 it was under the control of the Earls of Galloway.  Electoral politics in the constituency were significantly changed by the passing of the First Reform Act in 1832, but research shows that several critical factors continued to influence post-1832 politics locally. This calls into question the assertion that the Reform Act constituted a turning-point in Scottish and British political history.  The paper will be published in the next issue of the Society’s ‘Transactions’ and will be of particular interest to those interested in the political history of Wigtownshire.

Gary received his award of prize certificate and a cheque for £500 at the Society’s meeting on Friday, 13th January, from the Society’s President, Dr Jeremy Brock. 

'I was surprised to have won,' said Gary, 'But very much appreciated it and intend to spend some of the award on research trips to continue my research on constituency electoral politics.’

The Truckell Prize was established in 2009 to commemorate the late Mr Alf Truckell and his outstanding contribution to local studies in Dumfries and Galloway region. Entries are welcome from all, but must meet the editorial standards required by the Society’s ‘Transactions’, which are published annually. The closing date for entries is the 1st October each year. Please see the Society’s website  for further details, dgnhas.org.uk 

The 2015 Truckell Prize was also won by an Edinburgh History PhD student, Christoph Otte.

Gary Hutchison's profile