Industrial action

Information for students on proposed strike action at the University of Edinburgh. (Published 19 February, 2017)


Strike action by members of the University and College Union (UCU) is proposed over a number of days, over a four week period, beginning Monday 26 February 2108. This is a national dispute which centres on proposals to amend the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) pension scheme and, while the University is not able to resolve it on its own, we will continue to engage with others to see if there are ways of finding a negotiated settlement. We acknowledge and understand the concerns and strength of feeling that staff have about the potential changes to their USS pension.  We also recognise and respect that they have the right to take industrial action in protest at these changes.

The impact of action will vary from one part of the University to another. The University will be open during the days of strike action and will seek to deliver teaching and other services in as many areas as possible.

Students should visit for all updated information on the industrial action, including FAQs for students on how the action may impact on them. This link also includes links to UCU information about the proposed action.