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6,000 years of architecture, innovation and design

Dr Tanja Romankiewicz, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Archaeology, has been given the challenge to identify three examples of architectural innovation and design by the earliest people of Scotland.

Tanja is researching the prehistoric architecture of Scotland as part of her Leverhulme project “Building (Ancient) Lives”.  Which ones does she think were the most significant innovations and why? Find out at this joint event with National Museums Scotland and Edinburgh College of Art.

Dr Romankiewicz's staff profile|

Event description

A journey through Scottish architecture from the earliest buildings to today’s tower blocks.  Our three speakers have each been given a period of Scotland’s past and presented the challenge to choose their three examples of architectural innovation and design that changed the face of Scotland.  Come and hear their choices and contribute your own!

Key speakers

Chair: Professor Karen Forbes (Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh)

Prehistory (earliest people to 600 AD): Dr Tanja Romankiewicz (University of Edinburgh)

Medieval (600 AD to Union of the Crowns): Professor Richard Oram (University of Stirling)

Modern (Union of the Crowns to today): John Lowrey(Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh)

A discussion will follow.

Book online

This event is free but ticketed, book online with the Society of Antiquaries.

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