Stone & Thermolithic Technologies

One of the most important human technological revolutions was not in steam, metal, or plastics, but in stone technologies.

People have been manipulating and altering stone types for a variety of purposes, for millennia. In this practical session, participants will work with professional archaeologists to explore the diversity and malleability of stone; by grinding, flaking, carving, and burning.

This session will involve a short seminar upon stone technologies through prehistory, followed by practical demonstrations and hands-on workshops, including cooking with hot stones, an often forgotten technology! Come along and join the Edinburgh University Archaeology Department and the Bamburgh Research Project as they seek to experiment with, and explore the various technological applications of stone.

Date & time: 20th of Feb, 10-1
Audience: Students and staff
Cost: Free
Booking information: Booking is now open! Please book through the link below.
Additional information: Please take extra care during the demonstrations and follow guidance supplied by the event organisers during the session. Please be aware that this event will take place outside. Please dress warmly and wear sensible shoes.
Accessibility: No restrictions but prior notice is required for wheelchair access.
Location: Room G.13, William Robertson Building and courtyard outside building

Book your place!