Postgraduate Online Information Sessions

Our next Postgraduate Information Sessions  will take place on Wednesday 13 March.  Book a place now on the Postgraduate Virtual Open Week page where you'll also be able to see a full itinerary of online events. 

History postgraduate Information Session

Led by Professor Steve Boardman this session will cover American History, History, Intellectual History, Medieval History, Scottish History It runs from 4pm to 5pm.

Classics postgraduate Information Session

Led by Dr Aaron Pelttari this session will cover Ancient History, Classical Art and Archaeology, Classics, Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies. It runs from 2pm to 3pm.

Archaeology postgraduate Information Session

Led by Dr Kath McSweeney this session will cover Archaeology, European Archaeology, Human Osteoarchaeology, Mediterranean Archaeology. It runs from 1pm to 2pm.