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Women, weapons and war workshop

The workshop has been organised to address the place of women in pre-modern warfare and speakers have been invited to submit papers for discussion. The chronological span runs from the ancient world to seventeenth-century Ireland and the topics and themes covered include female warriors, the gender dynamics of warfare, gender and visualisations of war, bioarchaeological evidence of massacres of women and children, and military management and female peace making.

Programme at a glance

10.00 Tea and coffee and welcome

10.15 Dr Alice König (St Andrews), ‘Thinking Women: Current trends and future avenues in the study of women and war in antiquity’

10.45 Professor John Gillingham (LSE), ‘Women and War pre-1650’

11.15 Professor Stephen Bowd and Dr Sarah Cockram (Edinburgh), ‘Alda Gambara and Isabella d’Este: Gender and Military Management During the Italian Wars’

11.45 Reflective Session


12.15 Lunch


12.45 Dr Catherine Fletcher (Swansea), ‘The Ladies’ Peace Revisited: Gender, Counsel and Diplomacy’

13.15 Dr Frédérique Dubard de Gaillarbois (Sorbonne), ‘Women and War in Sixteenth-century Italian Literature and Art : examples and  proposals.’

13.45 Professor Brian Sandberg (Northern Illinois University), ‘Considering Intersections of Gender and Violence: Conceptual Problems and Early Modern Evidence’ 


14.15 Tea and coffee and cakes


14.30 Dr Linda Fibiger (Edinburgh), ‘“A great fury”: Bioarchaeological Considerations of Women and Violence During the Irish Confederate Wars’

15.00 Reflective Session

16.00 Close


HCA Society for Renaissance Studies

Note: Papers are pre-circulated and space is very limited so please e-mail Prof. Stephen Bowd ( or Dr Sarah Cockram ( if you wish to attend.

Thanks to the generosity of the Society for Renaissance Studies we are able to support the costs of participation for postgraduate and early career researchers and academics.