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Public lecture - Jennifer Anderson, 'From rainforest to parlour: Revealing the history of slavery in mahogany furniture'

Mahogany furniture became highly fashionable in the eighteenth century Atlantic world, but beneath its polished gleam lies a darker, hidden story of human and environmental exploitation.

This story is the subject of Professor Jennifer Anderson's (Stony Brook University, New York) talk 'From rainforest to parlour: Revealing the history of slavery in mahogany furniture'.

Professor Anderson's talk is part of 'The Matter of Slavery in Scotland' project (funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh) under Professor Nuala Zahedieh, in collaboration with Dr Sarah Laurenson at National Museums Scotland, aims to raise public awareness and understanding of the difficult, and long-neglected, topic of Scotland's historic connections with the Atlantic slave system.

This event is free and open to all.


More about the The Matter of Slavery in Scotland project

Professor Nuala Zahedieh's staff profile

Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies