Fennell Lecture 2025 - 'Slaves in Pictures: The visual business of the trade in France, Egypt, Haiti and the Ottoman Empire'

"The lecture will be about the business of the art of slavery that reached across the Mediterranean and through the Nile Valley, and the commerce in racism that such images helped to fortify.  I'm exploring the period from 1788 to 1848, decades of great political tumult (and therefore artistic production) in all of the areas I have named.  The great complexities of these trade relationships that flourished in the purchasing of African slaves can be seen in the art of the time."

Professor Eve Troutt Powell

Eve M. Troutt Powell is the Christopher H. Browne Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania. She teaches the history of the modern Middle East and the history of slavery in the Nile Valley and the Ottoman Empire. As a cultural historian, she emphasizes the exploration of literature and film in her courses. She is the author of A Different Shade of Colonialism: Egypt, Great Britain and the Mastery of the Sudan (University of California, 2003) and the co-editor, with John Hunwick, of The African Diaspora in the Mediterranean Lands of Islam (Princeton Series on the Middle East, Markus Wiener Press, 2002). Her most recent book is Tell This in My Memory: Stories of Enslavement in Egypt, Sudan and the Late Ottoman Empire (Stanford University Press, 2012). 

Troutt Powell received her BA, MA, and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Prior to coming to Penn, she taught for ten years at the University of Georgia. She has received fellowships from the American Research Center in Egypt and the Social Science Research Council, and has been a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. In 2003 she was named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow. 

Troutt Powell is now working on a book about the visual culture of slavery in the Middle East which will explore the painting and photography about African and Circassian slavery in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She is also a professor in the Department of Africana Studies.


Fennell Lecture