Dr Mike Carr receives British Academy award

Rising Star Engagement award to Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow.

HCA Mike Carr
Dr Mike Carr

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology was delighted to hear that Dr Mike Carr has been awarded one of just 23 new Rising Star Engagement awards by the British Academy.

The Awards are made to the most promising and talented academics in the UK, in a drive to boost engagement and collaboration within the humanities and social sciences. The award of £14740.00 is for the project ‘Medieval Mediterranean Exchanges: New Approaches and Collaborations’ which aims to bring together postgraduate and early career researchers, along with established academics and heritage professionals, to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing those working on medieval Mediterranean exchanges.

Dr Carr said, ‘I am very pleased to have been awarded a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award. It will give me the perfect opportunity to launch my early-career network on Medieval Mediterranean Exchanges which will include two events held in Edinburgh and London in 2020 which aim to bring together early career academics and heritage professionals working on the medieval Mediterranean’.

The School sends warmest congratulations to Mike.

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Dr Mike Carr’s staff profile

British Academy Rising Star Engagement Awards 2019