Dr Emile Chabal awarded an RSE fellowship

Dr Emile Chabal has been awarded a one-year fellowship by the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Dr Emile Chabal
Dr Emile Chabal

The School was delighted to learn that Dr Emile Chabal has been awarded a Personal Research Fellowship by the Royal Society of Edinburgh. These prestigious fellowships give early and mid-career scholars the opportunity to take up to twelve months to focus on a research project of their choice. In this case, Dr Chabal will use the fellowship period to complete his ongoing project on Eric Hobsbawm and the global history of Marxism, which has already received funding from the Carnegie Trusts of Scotland and the AHRC.  Dr Chabal said, "This is (I hope!) the end of a long journey: I have been working on Hobsbawm for more than a decade now, and I have gathered most of the material I need to finish my book. But it has been very difficult to carve out time in my schedule for writing. This fellowship is an extraordinary gift: I now have a year to myself to gather my thoughts and write. In straitened economic times, where many academic achievements are measured in hard cash, time is perhaps the most precious commodity of all. I am extraordinarily grateful to the RSE for their generosity - and I'm looking forward to sharing my ideas in writing." More details about Dr Chabal's research on Hobsbawm, as well as his other ongoing research projects, can be found here.