Dr Niall Whelehan awarded prestigious Marie Curie Fellowship

Dr Niall Whelehan, currently an Early Career Fellow in History affiliated with the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies, was recently awarded a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Research Agency to support a new project on ‘Transnational protest: social movements and political mobilisation across Ireland and the Irish diaspora, 1879-1903’.

The fellowship, which is for two years, also provides funding for research in archives located in the United States, workshops and other training activities. Over 3,000 researchers across Europe applied for these highly competitive fellowships, and only the most original and innovative projects were funded after rigorous peer review by international assessors.

This is the third prestigious international fellowship awarded to an Irish historian at Edinburgh, following on the recent successes of Dr Richard McMahon (The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship) and Dr Eoin McLaughlin (Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow).

With ten specialists working on political, economic, cultural, migration and social history, Edinburgh has the largest number of historians working on modern Irish history and the comparative history of Ireland and Scotland anywhere in the world, outside of Ireland itself.

Dr Niall Whelehan

Marie Curie Fellow; History

  • School of History, Classics and Archaeology
  • University of Edinburgh

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