Language training for graduate students

The History, Classics and Archaeology Graduate School is offering training grants to postgraduate students who wish to improve their language skills.

Expressions of interest are invited by the end of this semester. Graduate School Director, Dr Stephen Bowd, says:

“The Graduate School recognises that language training is vital for many postgraduates. The training is offered next semester, some in collaboration with other Schools.

“We will financially support History, Classics and Archaeology postgraduate students taking any of these courses. If a course fee is payable, students can reclaim this and we will consider other reasonable related expenses. Contact Richard Kane or use the link at the bottom of the page to claim funding from the Roberts Training budget”.

What courses are available?

Reading Late and Medieval Latin (not for credits)

Semester 2, Weeks 1-11, Wednesdays, 2-4pm, in Room 1M.16, William Robertson Wing.

An intermediate-level course for postgraduates. Do you want to develop your knowledge of Latin grammar? Do you need practice in reading Latin texts from Late Antiquity or the Middle Ages? This course is designed for postgraduate students with a grasp of elementary Latin to help them to become confident and accurate readers of a wide range of styles of Latin written from the 4th century onwards.

In the first half of the semester, this course will offer grammar clinics and read a selection of important texts, including the Vulgate, the Life of Columba, and the Carmina Burana, with the help of K Sidwell's anthology. ‘Reading Medieval Latin’.

In the second half students are encouraged to bring along Latin texts central to their own research to share and translate as a group. The aim is to keep the atmosphere friendly and constructive, and to enjoy the wide variety of uses to which Latin was put through the centuries.

Italian Reading for Postgraduates (not for credits)

Semester 2, Weeks 1-11, Wednesdays, 4-5pm, in Room G.09, William Robertson Wing.

The course is intended for beginning and beginning/intermediate students or for those needing an in-depth review of the basic of the language. It is primarily designed to improve reading and writing skills necessary to approach confidently to Italian academic texts with the support of a dictionary. The student will also be able to acquire and practice basic communicative skills in class. Cultural awareness will be enhanced through the use of audio-visual material and literary texts.

German Reading for Postgraduates (not for credits)

May be offered by Divinity in Semester 2, on Friday afternoons.

Modern Hebrew (not for credits)

Offered by Divinity in Semester 2, details to be confirmed.

Other language training

The School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures offers a range of elementary and intermediate language courses, which are taken on a ‘for credits’ basis, but do not contribute to your final degree result.

There are also a range of ‘not for credits’, Languages for All, introductory courses in languages including German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Arabic, offering training mainly in oral skills.