Well done, Edinburgh Award winners!

We are delighted to congratulate not one but 12 of our students, undergraduate and postgraduate, on achieving Edinburgh Awards this year.

The Edinburgh Award recognises involvement, experience and transferable skills gained in a range of voluntary extra-curricular activities. Recipients receive a certificate and the Award is included in their Higher Education Achievement Report.

Some of our winners explain what they gained from participating in the scheme.

Sally Abernethy, 4th year History student

“I was on the Sports Union Executive Committee as Publicity Officer. What was good about the Edinburgh Award was that it made me more reflective on my work so that I could improve on areas that I was weaker in. It was also really good to meet people from other clubs and learn from each other in a supportive environment”.

Calum Aikman, MSc in History by research

"I really enjoy my time at the Mining Museum - the work is satisfying, the people I've met are a friendly and diverse bunch, and there are times when I feel like I make a positive difference. I would recommend volunteering to any student".

Tasha Dempster, 2nd year Ancient History & Classical Archaeology

“It was definitely worthwhile. I learned a lot from the people I worked with, made quite a few friends and overall enjoyed the experience”.

Kevin Hall, 2nd year Scottish History

"Voluntary work in the community gains by far the greatest reward possible; what price can be put on a sense of satisfaction and achievement?"

Rachel Johnstone, 3rd year History

“I did the sports union club management option. I was netball 1st team captain and next year I'm going to be club captain.

“I thought the Edinburgh Award was really useful, as it not only highlighted the skills you gain from being part of a committee but also made me think about some of my strengths and weaknesses. This allowed me to build on the skills I already had, but also improve in areas that I was not as confident in before”.

Kayleigh Scott, 4th year History

“The main thing I got out of the experience was the joy of volunteering. Giving up even just a small amount of your time can make such a difference to so many people and is greatly appreciated by those you help.

“This award has opened my eyes to just how integral volunteers are, both to the university and the wider community, as well as the personal sense of achievement that can be gained from volunteering, and thus how important it is for all involved”.

Roisin Somers, 4th year Classical Studies

"I have really enjoyed taking part in the Edinburgh Award as it has made me more conscious of my volunteering and what I aim to achieve through it. I have become more aware of the different kinds of volunteering available, and as a result the different types of impact that an individual can make in different roles.

“Although logging the 80 hours may seem daunting at first, by making volunteering part of my weekly life I easily slipped into a good routine, and it's something which I've managed to keep up even though the award has now come to an end.

“I would definitely recommend students to undertake the award as it is possible to get much more out of it than just something extra to put on your CV".

Esther Trofa, MSc in Forensic Anthropology

Esther Trofa, MSc in Forensic Anthropology "During my time as a Resident Assistant on the Edinburgh Award, I found my confidence improved, reflecting on my abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Taking part in this award helped me gain a better understanding of what I could do to improve my weaknesses, and strengthen my already strong abilities.

“Some of the tasks also helped me take a step forward towards my future career, helping me with what I will need to do once I have left education. One section of the award had a CV workshop and an interview technique seminar. The workshop helped me create a CV that would present myself in the best possible manner.

“It also helped me with skills that I could possibly need, such as working with others in a team, handling delicate issues and keeping a calm professional manner when dealing with conflict.

“I really enjoyed taking part in the Edinburgh Award and all the experiences I gained from taking part".

Find out more

Click the link to find out more about the Edinburgh Award.