The Centre for the Study of Modern Conflict

We are pleased to announce that as of 1st September the Centre for the Study of the Two World Wars will become the Centre for the Study of Modern Conflict (CSMC).

Building on the distinguished achievements of the Centre, first as The Centre for the Second World War Studies and latterly as The Centre for the Study of the Two World Wars, CSMC will serve as a focus for advanced research in the field of modern conflict.

It aims to promote the study of modern conflict, primarily but not exclusively during the twentieth century, in a broad, trans-national perspective.

With this goal in mind, the Centre will continue to organise colloquia, conferences, and other research-related activities, including the supervision of postgraduate research and bids for research funding.

The Centre for the Study of Modern Conflict website


The Centre for the Study of Modern Conflict was closed down in June 2017. In its place, the School has established the Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History. This brings together some of the expertise of the old centre within a much broader remit. The new centre is open to all students and staff who work in any area of modern history (post-1750). It is structured around a specific yearly theme or themes, which provide the guiding thread for its seminar series, public events and postdoctoral fellowship programme. Please visit the Centre for the Study of Modern and Contemporary History website for full details about how you can get involved in the activities of the new centre.