Owain, Amy and Malcolm win in School heat of 3MT®

PhD Archaeology student Owain Mason, PhD Classics student Amy Bratton and PhD History student Malcolm Craig have won through to the College round of the world-renowned 3-minute thesis competition (3MT®).

As well as coming first in his subject area, Owain won overall ‘Best in School’ while PhD Historian Jane Judge won the audience’s prize.

All the winners received book tokens.

The 3-minute thesis is a global competition for PhD students, based on a concept developed by the University of Queensland. The School heat took place 6-7pm last night (21 May), before an appreciative audience of staff and students.

High quality all round

The standard of entries was impressively high, with all eight entrants deserving honourable mention for the quality of their presentations, as well as their mettle.

In order of appearance they were:

  • Elizabeth Cory-Lopez, PhD Archaeology, ‘How to study humans and picrolite on Cyprus circa 3000 BCE’
  • Belinda Washington, PhD Classics, ‘The roles of Imperial women from Constantine I to Valentinian III’
  • Malcolm Craig, PhD History, ‘The United Kingdom, the United States, and Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia: The case of Pakistan, 1974-1980'
  • Amy Bratton, PhD Classics, ‘The slave and the free in Augustan marriage legislation’
  • Anthony Ellis, PhD Classics, ‘Making sense of Greek Gods: Herodotus and Religion’
  • Georgia-Marina Andreou, PhD Archaeology, ‘Traversing space: landscape and identity in Bronze Age Cyprus’
  • Jane Judge, PhD History, ‘The Belgian Revolution in Atlantic Context’
  • Owain Mason, PhD Archaeology, ‘Beaker Pottery of the Highlands and Northern Isles’.

College heats

Owain, Amy and Malcolm will go through to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences heat of the competition, due to be held 29 May.

Training in advance of the University final will take place 20-21 of June, with the University final itself on 2-4pm, 24 July, in the Informatics Forum, G.07.