Creative workshops to explore the Polish migrant experience

Catriona Taylor, Artist in Residence for the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies, is offering a series of creative workshops for Polish people, to explore their experiences of contemporary migration to Scotland.

The workshops will take place in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, 6.30-8.30pm every Tuesday from now until 26 March 2013.

No booking is required but participants are asked to wait at the School's front door at 6.30pm, to be met by Catriona, who will take the group to the workshop in Room 01M.27.

Meet new friends, share, create!

Catriona says, “These workshops provide a chance for Polish people in Edinburgh to meet other Polish people and discuss issues that relate to them in Scotland.

“Participants will exchange stories and experiences through creative writing, art and food. The creative writing doesn’t have to be in English.”

As a starting point, attendees are asked to bring along a photograph or picture that represents their home or homeland. The group will use these images to make a painting or a collage, incorporating maps.


For further information contact Catriona Taylor.

Catriona Taylor

Artist in Residence

  • Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies