Winners of our Innovative Learning Week Competition

Congratulations to Amy Cannon, Maya Hoole, Alex Middle and Lakkana Nanayakkara, who have been awarded prizes in the School’s Innovative Learning Week competition.

The challenge was to produce an illustrated blog or diary of this year’s Innovative Learning Week events. The more events covered and the more varied and interesting the diary, the better the chance of winning a prize.

First prize

Amy receives her Google Nexus from Dr Thomas

First prize of a Google Nexus was awarded to Amy Cannon, a first year MA Scottish History student, who produced a diary which the judges described as: “a superb effort”, “excellent design and good account of the events” and “an excellent reflective diary describing what she learned - good to see that this student considers several events actually broadened her views and provided links between disciplines which she will exploit in future.”



Close second

Originally the School has envisaged one overall winner and up to four runners-up prizes worth £50 each, but the blog produced by Maya Hoole (MSc Archaeology) provided Amy with such tough competition that the School has awarded Maya a special prize of £100 book tokens.

The judges were unanimous in agreeing that Maya’s blog “gave a good account of everything”, that her writing was “enthusiastic and positive” and that her photographs were good.

Runners up

The two runners up, Alex Middle (MSc Medieval History) and Lakkana Nanayakkara (MSc in the Second World War in Europe) have each won £50 in book tokens.

Alex produced an “excellent reflective diary which discusses what she learned from the events” while Lakkana’s diary included some great photographs.