Alumnus Thomas Cole to talk about his career in Brussels

On Monday 20 May, Political Science and History alumnus, Thomas Cole, will give a careers talk in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology about his work as a Policy Officer at the European Commission in Brussels.

All students, staff and recent alumni (graduates of 2011 and 2012) are invited.

The talk has been organised by the University Careers Service.


The talk will cover:

  • Tom’s career path to date
  • policy work in the European Commission
  • jobs and careers in European Union institutions
  • hints and tips for current students.

There will be opportunity for questions after the talk.

When, where – and how to book?

11am-12noon, Monday 20 May, Meadows Lecture Theatre, Doorway 4, William Robertson Building, Teviot Place.

Tom’s career so far

After his degree in Political Science and History at the University of Edinburgh, Tom continued his studies with a Masters at the London School of Economics before embarking on a varied career in the public, private and voluntary sectors - primarily in the European Union (EU) but also including a brief stint in the United States.

He has wide-ranging experience of advising Senior EU officials and Chief Executives on EU internal and foreign policy decisions.