Professor Devine’s RSE prize lecture, 25 April

Professor Tom Devine will receive the Royal Society of Edinburgh's (RSE’s) Inaugural Sir Walter Scott Senior Prize in the Humanities and Creative Arts, at a Prize Lecture in Lockerbie on 25 April 2013.

The award, which was announced last summer, has been made in recognition of Professor Devine’s outstanding contribution to Scottish History.

Professor Devine will present his lecture, 'A Puzzle from Scotland's Past: Why did the Scottish Enlightenment happen?', at 7pm in Lockerbie Academy.

He will then receive the Sir Walter Scott Medal from Sir John Arbuthnott, President of the RSE.

The event will take place as part of the RSE's outreach programme. Earlier that day Professor Devine will engage in a question and answer session with senior pupils of the Academy who are currently preparing for their Higher level examinations in History.

Book lecture tickets

The lecture is free but tickets should be booked via the Royal Society’s website.