Wanted: reminders of home for quilt project

People who have come from overseas to live in Scotland are being asked to contribute pieces of cloth, images and small objects which remind them of home, for inclusion in a special quilt.

Catriona Taylor, Artist in Residence at the Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies, is creating an ‘immigration quilt’ for exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland, July 2014.

The exhibition will take place alongside an international conference about global migration.

Donations are required as soon as possible, before the end of August 2013.

Binding together people’s stories

The artist says:

“The quilt will bind together the stories of people from other countries who have chosen to live in Scotland. Please get in touch, whatever your nationality - whether you are Asian, African, Australian, European, from the Americas or elsewhere.

"It doesn’t matter if you have moved here recently or some time ago. If you can donate a picture, some fabric or a small item that suggests a feeling of home to you, I will try to incorporate it.

“Contributions so far have included a hand-written recipe, family photographs, a ring and pictures of a sister’s toy.

“The more we can include, the more the quilt will represent the diversity of nationalities to be found in Scotland”.

Catriona Taylor

Artist in Residence

  • Scottish Centre for Diaspora Studies