Edinburgh historic haul of awards

University historians are enjoying a remarkable run of awards.

Staff in History have been bestowed with six prestigious prizes since the beginning of 2012 - a record achievement for the subject area.

Latest honour

Most recently, The Royal Society of Edinburgh has awarded Dr Gordon Pentland the 2013 inaugural Thomas Reid Early Career Medal for the Humanities and the Creative Arts.

Specialising in modern British and Scottish history, Dr Pentland is an acclaimed author. In 2011, he was among the first group of scholars elected to the Royal Society of Edinburgh's recently established Young Academy.

Array of accolades

In 2012, Dr Wendy Ugolini was granted the Gladstone Book Prize of the Royal Historical Society, and the British Association for American Studies awarded its Book Prize to Dr Paul Quigley.

Success was also enjoyed by Dr Jeremy Crang, who won the Saltire Society Scottish History Book of the Year.

Double award

Professor Tom Devine’s work was honoured by The Royal Society of Edinburgh and Edinburgh Beltane, a public enagement network formed to enhance access of academic research, who jointly bestowed him with the Senior Prize for Excellence in Public Engagement across all disciplines.

Professor Devine was also granted The Royal Society of Edinburgh’s inaugural Sir Walter Scott Senior Medal for the Humanities and Creative Arts.

We are all deeply proud that so many of our historians have recently won these highly prestigious prizes. This is a record number of awards for History, and I am delighted that the superb work undertaken by our colleagues has been recognised in this way.

Alvin Jackson
Head of History, Classics and Archaeology