Excellent teaching recognised by EUSA awards

Excellent teaching in the School has been recognised by students in the fifth Edinburgh University Students' Association (EUSA) Teaching Awards.

Contemporary History Lecturer Dr Robert Crowcroft has won an award for giving the best student feedback in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.

Dr Kathleen McSweeney was runner-up in the category of Best Research or Dissertation Supervisor in the University, while Dr Stephan Malinowski was runner-up in the Award for Teaching in the College of Humanities and the Social Science.

Head of School Professor Alvin Jackson said:

“Delivering great teaching is something every member of academic staff aims to do, so nothing beats it when all that extra effort and dedication is officially recognised by your own students.

“Being nominated is wonderful in itself. Having three staff shortlisted, two coming out as runners up in a University-wide vote and one a School winner is fantastic.

“My warmest congratulations to Kath, Robert and Stephan.”

The EUSA Teaching Awards initiative, launched in 2008/9, is the first fully student created and run university teaching award scheme in the UK.

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