Dr Guillaume Robin receives British Academy/ Leverhulme Grant

The School is delighted to share that Dr Guillaume Robin has been awarded a British Academy/Leverhulme Grant to support ongoing excavations at Ossi in Sardinia.

Dr Guillaume Robin
Dr Guillaume Robin

Guillaume Robin, Senior Lecturer in Archaeology, has been awarded a British Academy/Leverhulme Grant to fund ongoing exvation work at the site of Monte Mannu in Ossi, Sardinia. 

The site was first identified from surface finds during survey works in 2017 and excavations since have revealed architectural evidence (stones walls, hearths, pits, postholes), material culture (ceramics and stone tools) and faunal remains. Future work aims to complete excavation trenches opened in 2019 to explore the oldest contexts of the site (Neolithic period), and to excavate other areas with possible further domestic structures (geophysical anomalies).

Dr Robin said, 'I am vey happy to receive this funding that will support survey and excavation work in Sardinia for two years, working there with French and Italian colleagues as well as archaeology students from the University of Edinburgh. The project will also include radiocarbon dating and Bayesian analyses that will be carried out by Dr Derek Hamilton at the Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre at the University of Glasgow.'

The School sends its warmest congratulations to Guillaume

Find out more about the excavations at Monte Mannu in the short film below.




Dr Robin's staff profile

Dr Robin’s Academia.edu page