School staff achievements celebrated in colleague awards

The winners of the 2020 CAHSS Colleague Recognition Awards have been announced at a virtual awards ceremony.

HCA CAHSS Colleague Recognition Awards logo

The Colleague Recognition Awards celebrate and showcase the hard work and achievements of staff from across the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Science. Four colleagues from SHCA Professional Services were shortlisted for Awards and we're delighted to say that three of them were Highly Commended.

  • Vicky Swann (Curriculum & Quality Assurance Officer), Leader of Innovation and Change Award: “She is also absolutely delightful to work with, positive, friendly, and caring, going out of her way to look out for her colleagues, and very deserving of this award.”
  • Emma Donovan (Modern Apprentice – Administrative Assistant in Teaching Administration), Excellent Newcomer: “She is wise beyond her years, kind and respectful in her dealings with others, and a genuine pleasure to work alongside. I hope she has a long and happy career at the University of Edinburgh.” 
  • Sue Coleman (Head of Research, Knowledge Exchange and Impact), Head of College Award for Exceptional Servic: “Her leadership of provision of tailored and responsive support at HCA is encouraging people to think differently, both about funded research, and the opportunities presented by academic and professional services staff working closely together on shared projects.”

Kevin Bryant (Technology Support Officer) was shortlisted for the Susan Manning Award for Inspiring Mentor.

Celebrating the everyday efforts of our staff in this way helps us to build the positive, inspiring working culture of which staff, students and alumni can feel proud. These awards are particularly special as they show how colleagues in this University feel about each other. It is hugely encouraging to witness the warmth and respect with which our staff regard their colleagues.

Professor Dorothy Miell
Vice-Principal and Head of CAHSS

Overwhelming response

Over 550 nominations were received for the Awards and the School sends it warmest congratulations to all those nominated, shortlisted and to the winners.


Colleague Recognition Awards - full list of shorlitsted colleagues across CAHSS

Vicky Swann's staff profile

Emma Donovan's staff profile

Sue Coleman's staff profile


Kevin Bryant's staff profile