Literacy Through Latin needs you!

Literacy Through Latin is putting together relay teams for the Edinburgh Marathon Festival to raise funds for its work. Ready to run for it?

HCA Literacy Through Latin

Pheidippides might have brought news of the Persian defeat to Athens, but Literacy Through Latin wants to do something even more important.

‘Literary Through Latin (LTL) introduces the world of Classics to students who would otherwise never have the opportunity to do so,’ said Kishan Mistry, charity and outreach officer of the Edinburgh Classics Society, ‘But the primary focus of the programme is to help improve the pupils’ literacy’.

‘Short, fun lessons use Latin to show, for example, how many of English words have Latin roots, how language works and how sentences are formed. This helps broaden pupils’ vocabulary and their understanding of English. Pupils also learn about Roman culture, clothing and customs – which offers great opportunities for dressing up and creativity’.

LTL is a volunteer-based group and needs funding to help it continue its work. As part of this year’s Edinburgh Marathon Festival Hairy Haggis Relay on 26 May, LTL is looking to put together teams of four runners - students and staff - to run between 4.4 and 8.3 miles, to raise donations. Anyone interested in taking part should contact A form to express interest is available here