School joins History & Policy Partnership

The School of Classics, History and Archaeology has joined with History & Policy, and other UK universities, to promote better public policy through a greater understanding of history. (Published on 5 Oct 2016)

History & Policy

The School of Classics, History and Archaeology has signed a three-year partnership agreement with History & Policy, a UK national network that creates opportunities for historians, policy makers and journalists to connect .

Since 2002, History & Policy has built excellent relationships with British government departments, policy makers and third-sector bodies, and developed considerable expertise in achieving public policy access and impact. Initially a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge and London, the new partnership model will begin in 2017 and, in addition to Edinburgh, will include the universities of Bristol, Exeter, Leeds and Sheffield.

Professor Louise Jackson, Director of Research in the School of Classics, History and Archaeology said, 'This is an exciting opportunity for University of Edinburgh researchers to develop their links with policy-makers and to contribute historically-informed knowledge to contemporary debate. History & Policy has an excellent track record and we're delighted to partner with them.'

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