Obituaries: Professor Anthony Goodman and Professor Angus Mackay

It is with great sadness that the School learned of the passings, recently, of two former colleagues - Anthony Goodman and Angus Mackay. (Published 10 Nov 2016)

Anthony 'Tony' Goodman, Professor Emeritus of Medieval and Renaissance History, passed away on 3 October 2016.  The author of several books, now standard texts, on England’s Wars of the Roses, John of Gaunt, and its history from Richard II to James I, Tony began his career at Edinburgh and it spanned 41 years following a degree in history at Magdalen College, Oxford. Tony was an internationally acclaimed scholar who continued to teach PhD students after his retiral in 2002 and to write extensively. His final book, finished not long before his death, on Joan, the Fair Maid of Kent, will be be published in early 2017. You can read a fuller obituary in The Scotsman.

Angus Mackay, Professor Emeritus of Medieval History, passed away on 29 October 2016. He was an internationally noted Hispanist specialising in Later Medieval Spain who, following a first class honours in history at Edinburgh, received his PhD in 1970 and went on to lecture at the University of Reading. He returned to Edinburgh, though, becoming senior lecturer then reader before receiving a personal chair in 1985 and becoming head of department in 1990. You can read an appreciation of Angus as a historian of Spain by Dr Roger Collins, Honorary Research Fellow, and a conspectus of his career by Professor Emeritus Michael Angold, who gratefully aknowledges the help of Professors Kenneth Fowler and Harry Dickinson, Edinburgh University, and Professor Graeme Small, Durham University.