Athena SWAN Bronze award for the School

The School of History, Classics and Archaeology has been awarded the Athena SWAN Bronze award. (Published 16 May 2016)


We are delighted to announce that the School of History, Classics and Archaeology has been awarded the Athena SWAN Bronze award. The award recognises academic institutions and their commitment to gender equality both to academic and support staff. 

About Athena SWAN 

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In 2015 the award was extended to include arts, humanities and social science subjects, and we submitted an application. The award recognises academic institutions' efforts to bridge the gender gap and create a working environment which is both supportive and inclusive for its staff. Institutions are assessed on work-life-balance, human resources procedures such as maternity leave and returning to work, mentoring, career progression and pathway and progression of students into academic careers. We are delighted to gain this award in our School and strive to improve with the hope of achieving a silver in the future.   

Many thanks are due to the members of the School’s E & D Committee who, chaired successively by Julian Goodare and Angela Bartie, prepared our case over a protracted period as the scheme itself evolved. The next target is the Silver Award and for that further effort – to which I am sure the School will commit – is required. The end result will be an enhanced working environment for all members of the School.     

Ian Ralston OBE DLitt FRSE
Head of School

We are also delighted that the University of Edinburgh's School of Economics was also awarded the Bronze award.

More about Athena SWAN

The award ceremony will be held at the University of Sheffield on Thursday 30th of June 2016.