New monograph serialised in Spanish daily newspaper

A major national daily newspaper has serialised Dr Julius Ruiz’s latest book. (Published 17 November 2015)


El Mundo, Spain's second largest national daily newspaper, has serialised Paracuellos, una verdad incómoda (Paracuellos. An inconvenient truth), a new book by Dr Julius Ruiz on the Spanish Civil War. These pieces were the most read articles on the El Mundo website on publication, and have been shared over 12,000 times on social media.  

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The book examines the Paracuellos massacres in Spain in November 1936. The interpretation of events has always been a subject of controversy and Dr Ruiz demonstrates the complicity of the Republican government in the worst left-wing atrocity of the Spanish Civil War. 

The English version will be published next year by Sussex Academic Press.

Dr Ruiz’s staff profile