British Crime Historians Symposium – call for papers

The fifth British Crime Historians Symposium will take place at the University of Edinburgh from 7-8 October 2016 and the call for papers is now live. (Published 17 November 2015)


The British Crime Historians Symposium meets every two years as a forum for discussion, debate and the presentation of research for all aspects of the history of crime, law, justice, policing, punishment and social regulation.


British Crime Historians Symposium

The fifth British Crime Historians Symposium will take place at the University of Edinburgh from 7-9 October 2016.

The organising committee welcome proposals for both individual papers and panel sessions.

Paper proposals

For each individual paper proposed please include:

  • title of paper;
  • name;
  • institutional affiliation (if any);
  • email address of the speaker;
  • abstract of 250 words.

Panel proposals

Proposals for panels should include:

  • name;
  • institutional affiliation (if any);
  • email address of the panel organiser;
  • title of panel;
  • summary of aims of panel (150 words);
  • name of panel chair if known (if not included in the proposal a chair will be allocated by the conference committee);
  • full details of all papers and speakers (as for individual papers above).

Conference format

Each speaker whose proposal for a paper is accepted will be asked to speak for 20 minutes (to allow further time for questions and discussion). 

A panel should consist of three papers which together address an over-arching theme or topic.

We welcome proposals from scholars at all stages of their career including postgraduate students, and we encourage panel organisers to reflect this in any panel proposals

Deadline and submission

Paper and panel proposals should be sent as a Word document attachment to the Conference Committee by 31 March 2016

British Crime Historians Symposium 5

University of Edinburgh

Contact details