Call for papers for student colloquium

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology is delighted to announce the call for papers for the first postgraduate student colloquium, taking place on 26 May 2015. (Published 11 February 2015)


Event description

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) colloquium is a one-day conference for postgraduate students at the University of Edinburgh. The colloquium will take place on 26 May 2015.

The aim of the conference is to encourage cross community networking within the University of Edinburgh for any students researching any feature of the late antique to early modern periods.

It will provide a friendly arena for all postgraduate researchers, with a particular emphasis on encouraging first-time presenters and trialling a variety of different formats.

Call for papers

The CMRS colloquium is calling for papers and Pecha Kuchas on medieval and renaissance topics.

The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday 27 March 2015.

Format of submissions

We welcome contributions in the form of short Pecha Kucha presentations and 10 or 20 minute papers from postgraduate students at the University of Edinburgh. These can focus on any aspect of study into the period ranging from the fourth to the seventeenth centuries.

During the colloquium we will host ‘fish bowl’ discussions. This dynamic round-table format encourages flexibility between speakers and their audience. We are seeking suggestions for discussion topics that will motivate colloquy across the Centre's full range and notes of interest for potential chairs and discussants.

If you are looking for an audience to trial another form of delivery, please get in touch and we will try to accommodate you!

Submission details

Please send all proposals to the email address below along with the information detailed below.

Individual paper proposals (papers of 10-20 minute duration)

  • Title of paper
  • Abstract (250 words maximum)
  • Speaker's name, affiliation and contact details
  • Intended paper length (please note that the 10-minute format is primarily intended for masters students
  • Three keywords

Pecha Kucha

For Pecha Kucha submissions, please acknowledge that you understand the requirements of the format.

  • Title of paper
  • Abstract (250 words maximum)
  • Speaker’s name, affiliation and contact details.

Fish bowl

Please email your interest in participation and suggest a topic.

Further information

More information about the event will be available on the colloquium website soon.

Please send all submissions and queries to us at the email below.

Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies colloquium

Contact details