Resources on First World War for schools

Three Edinburgh historians have been involved in the production of materials for schools on the topic of Women, the Great War and the Vote. (Published 21 July 2014)


The resources for schools are designed for use at Highers and A Level, particularly for those studying Higher Paper 1: Britain 1851-1951 and Higher Paper 2: The Impact of the Great War, 1914-28.

This follows on from a schools event hosted by the School of History, Classics & Archaeology in November 2013 when Dr Esther Breitenbach, Dr Louise Jackson and Dr Wendy Ugolini gave talks on the topic of women and the First World War. The event, part of ‘Previously…’ (Scotland’s History Festival), was also sponsored by Women's History Scotland.

Three short videos provide different viewpoints on women’s campaigns for the vote and the impact of the war on women. Each video is accompanied by a set of questions for pupils. There are also background papers which can be used in conjunction with the videos - these outline key themes, provide extracts from sources and ideas for further reading.